
Rigamajig inspires Kind Communication in Grade 2

  • News
  • Early Childhood

A Rigamajig is a creative building tool with a variety of wooden pieces, plastic bolts, screws and connectors to allow students to build anything they can imagine! Elementary students were delighted to experience this new piece of creative equipment, purchased through the generosity of our community through the ISP Fund.

Grade 2 classes visited the Idea Lab to explore how they can be kind communicators by using the Rigamajig. Grade 2 students love hands-on building and design projects so the Rigamajig was the perfect way to engage in their interests while developing key skills of communication and collaboration. 

Students worked in pairs and small groups to come up with ideas for what they could build and were challenged to consider how they could be kind communicators during this process. They had to practice voicing their ideas, listening to others’ ideas and sharing equipment. They quickly realized they often needed to adjust their initial ideas to collaborate with others, and that if one group took all the pieces, there wouldn’t be enough for everyone else to build. 

During this time, students were developing their kind communication skills. They had a blast working together and created all kinds of things with the Rigamajig.

“The Rigamajig is the perfect open-ended building tool to empower students to build large and explore how to make things work. There is always such good energy in the room when kids are given time and space to create.”

Amy Garrett, ES Design and Technology Coach 


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