
Empower The Future: ISP Student Clubs Lead by Example to Create Change

By Jasmine, Grade 10

Upper School Animal Shelter and FriendShip Prague Service Clubs Lead by Example to Create Change

Upper School students at ISP have been collaborating with younger students in a heartwarming display of community service. The FriendShip Prague club and the 6th grade class have joined forces to support the homeless in their community, while the Animal Shelter club and the PAWS club from Elementary School have come together to make a difference in the lives of shelter dogs.

Animal Shelter and PAWS

The Animal Shelter club and the PAWS club from Elementary School have also been working together to make a positive impact on the community. The two clubs joined forces to raise funds through a bake sale at the Arts and Craft fair in November, which they used to purchase food for the Bouchalka dog shelter. The students were thrilled to have the opportunity to visit the shelter, tour the facilities, and meet some of the furry residents.

Students from both groups created research projects and presented their findings in front of the entire school community to spread awareness of their projects. For many of the Elementary students, this public speaking experience was their first, but they were happy to take on the challenge.

“I learned that every dog has their own story and that every dog is their own unique self.”

Dora, Grade 5

“Dogs are very special because they have a special connection to humans and a lot of them really need our help.”

Charlene, Grade 5

Recently, the Animal Shelter club and the PAWS club organized another fundraising event to celebrate the birthday of Brodie, a beloved service dog at ISP. It was a festive event and everyone enjoyed the baked goods and music, especially Brodie! The group is already planning the next opportunity to support the shelter at our upcoming Party in the Park.

Being part of this service experience has not only motivated them to support an important cause but also helped them learn other important life skills like public speaking and taking initiative on action projects. The clubs hope to continue their collaboration and make an even greater impact in the lives of shelter animals.

It was wonderful to be able to collaborate with the 5th grade Changemakers! Elementary School is a part of our community that we don’t get to work with very often and it was really rewarding.  We hope to be great role models for the girls so they feel inspired to continue doing this important work as they get older.”

Maya and Neila, Grade 11

FriendShip Prague

The FriendShip Prague club, led by Grade 11 student Lexi, and Ms. Snively’s 6th-grade advisory class have been working together to provide food, clothing, and other necessities to the homeless in the Czech Republic. With over 21,000 homeless people in the country, the collaboration comes at a critical time as the Potravinova Banka, a food bank that supplies many NGOs and groups in need, is running low on supplies due to the rising cost of food and electricity.

“It’s that willingness to try and help that matters the most.  Little changes can add up quickly over a short period of time and have a large impact. Inspiring those around you to act makes you a changemaker, too.”

Lexi, Grade 11, Leader of the FriendShip Prague Club

One of the most inspiring aspects of these collaborations is the way in which Upper School students have inspired younger students to get involved in community service.

Seeing their older peers take action and make a difference has encouraged the Elementary and Middle schoolers to follow in their footsteps and get involved in issues important to them.