ISP FUND Giving Week 2024

Watch ISP Director, Dr. Chip Kimball, explaining the ISP Fund Giving Week 2024.

If you haven’t had the chance to contribute yet, there’s still time to make a gift and increase the impact of the ISP FUND!

Friends of the International School of Prague

QR code for internet banking
Donate to ISP
Account number: 2112216446/2700

We would like to share this THANK YOU video as an expression of our sincerest gratitude.

Did you know that over 120 families have generously contributed to the ISP Fund?

Did you know that 50% of our faculty made a gift to the ISP Fund?

Did you know that together, we raised 4,001,522 CZK, which will be invested in new exceptional programmes and resources enriching the learning experience for our kids at ISP?

Fostering Curiosity and a Passion for Learning

A Journey of Digital Well-being

Vibrant Heart of our Community

Music Magic

A haven for creativity and innovation

Exciting Adventures in Outdoor Education

Transformative Leadership Journeys

Dynamic Environment for Educational Growth

Brighter Possibilities for our Athletes

A World of Possibilities

Thriving Student Leaders

Adventures in Coding

Exciting new Educational Journeys

New Games-based Online Learning Tool