
Curiosity is a muscle

  • Learning stories
  • Curiosity

In case you weren’t able to join our first virtual Edge in Education, please see some of his key points below and feel free to listen to a recording of the session

“Computers are getting smarter and smarter but they’re not curious.” Access to information has become ubiquitous but how well do we think about, connect ideas and use it to deepen what we understand or come up with new insights?

“If you want an answer in the future you will ask a machine. The role of humans will be to ask questions. Great question creators will generate new industries, new brands and new possibilities. – Kevin Kelly

More than just a fleeting “want to know find the answer” or “figure out the puzzle,” lifelong learners want to go deeper, figure out the next layer, consider the complexity, persist with the challenge of the “mystery.”

The more you learn, the more you realize what you don’t know, the more you want to learn. AND you get better at learning. Learning and Curiosity are powerful partners for becoming lifelong learners who gain wisdom and contribute responsibly to the world. 

Parents are our partners in learning here at ISP. How might we all nurture curiosity in ourselves and your children? Ian suggests we . . . 

  • Specialise and generalise: Go deep in one or two areas, and have a wide general understanding of many areas. 
  • Build a second brain:  document, your learning and thinking to revisit, connecting diverse ideas for new insights and inspiration. 
  • Model Curiosity:  Show interest in your child’s questions, ask them questions, admit you don’t know and are fine with not knowing, follow and share your own curiosity.  

We are curious about learning at ISP . . . How does it best happen? What motivates learners? What gets in the way of their learning? How do we make space for learners to go deep? What makes them incurious? 

Thank you, Ian, for sharing your insights on curiosity and thank you parents for joining us as we continue to unravel the mystery of learning for each and every learner here at ISP.       

Teresa Belisle, Director of Learning R & D