Supporting ISP

In today’s rapidly changing world, we often look for things that we know for certain. One of these certainties is that educating our children to be Curious, Competent, Compassionate Changemakers is our best hope for a bright future. The fulfilment of our mission has the power to build relationships, innovate, and develop leaders and thinkers that can bring peace and positive change to our world. Everything we do at ISP is with this goal in mind.

Giving is part of the culture at our school, and over the years, hundreds of donors have helped make ISP what it is today.

Why do I give to ISP?

  • To support ISP in introducing innovative, exceptional, and be-spoken programs, such as Outdoor Education and Sustainability

    Anna Lukyanova Middle School Parent
  • To further support my children’s holistic education, I gave to two areas that will make a big difference to my children’s time at ISP: Design, Technology & Robotics and Learning Support!

    Hilda Leahy Upper School Parent
  • To encourage other parents to participate. I know that even ‘small’ gifts when combined together make a big difference

    Amy Seymour Parent of Alumni
  • We feel that it’s pertinent for the parent community to give to the Annual Fund, which is designed to enhance the unique learning experiences students receive at ISP, and to keep the school’s legacy of excellent education sustainable also during the years to come.

    Tatiana Eichler Elementary & Upper School Parent
  • Every gift counts, be it small or be it large. It all adds up. As parents of alumni who started their education journey with the ISP community, we have seen them flourish. We feel honoured every time we have the chance to contribute and enrich the ISP experience for them and for others.

    Staffan Erenmalm Parent of Alumni
  • To foster a culture of innovation outside of the tuition fees and support the school our kids go to.

    Patrick Frape and Jenny Snively Elementary and Middle School Teachers
  • To inspire parents to support special projects at ISP. I know the amount I give is small, but if enough of us demonstrate our support, it can encourage major donors to make transformative gifts..

    Elizabeth Perry Upper School Teacher

The ISP Scholarship Program

The ISP Scholarship Programme provides life-changing opportunities to academically talented students for whom an ISP education would otherwise be out of financial reach. This year, we are supporting 16 scholars at ISP coming from very different socioeconomic backgrounds. ISP’s unique educational experience will shape these scholars and open doors to opportunities that are only possible with an ISP education.

The Impact

The ISP Scholarship Program provides transformational opportunities to students  of outstanding promise and potential for whom an ISP education would otherwise be out of financial reach. The ISP Scholarship Program is supported through the generosity of our community, corporate donors and the annual ISP Gala.

Since the inception of the ISP Scholarship Program 22 years ago, 32 locally based students have benefited from receiving ISP scholarships. The majority of our scholars join ISP in Grade 9 and they not only add to the socioeconomic diversity in our school but also bring vitality and excellence to our community.

As with all of the school’s graduates, ISP’s unique educational experience will shape them and open the doors to opportunities that they could not have imagined before. Each of these scholars has a unique story to tell. Without exception, they all share a sincere appreciation for their scholarships.

Moreover, ISP graduates are keenly sought by many of the world’s highly selective colleges and universities. All our scholars continue their education and go to university on another scholarship.

Read just a few examples of the post-ISP achievements of our Scholars and how an ISP Scholarship changed their lives:

The ISP Gala annual fundraised for the ISP Scholarship Program

ISP Gala is the highlight of the ISP social calendar and an important fundraiser for the ISP Scholarship Program. Please watch. We are grateful for our community’s support to create life-changing opportunities for students for whom an ISP education would otherwise be out of financial reach.

How to give

Thank you for considering making a gift to ISP, we are so grateful for your support to fulfil our mission to Inspire, Engage and Empower all learners to be Curious Competent Compassionate Changemakers


You can make your gift either in Czech or US currency:

Company matching

Many employers offer matching gift programs that can increase the impact of your donation. To find out if your company currently matches charitable gifts, please check with your company’s HR office.

Talk to us

We would be delighted to speak with you about how your support can make a difference at ISP. Please contact Monica Stanciu, Advancement Director at +420 607 251 119 or for more information.