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Learning Innovation Hub

The ISP Learning Innovation Hub 

Promoting literacy, creativity, and learning

Much more than a library, the Hub is a contemporary environment pointing to the future of learning. At the centre of our campus, the Hub will inspire ISP learners to not only read and research but also to design, collaborate, innovate, and create for years to come.

The Hub (a.k.a the Library)

In 2020, the transformation of the ISP Library into the Learning Innovation Hub became a reality thanks to the generous support of the Kellner and Křetínský families. This visionary project was inspired by the work of one of the Czech Republic's most esteemed artists, Petr Sís. At the heart of the Hub stands a magnificent rendering of Sís's "The Labyrinth," a powerful symbol of the peaceful mindset and focused attention essential for deep exploration and profound learning.

The Hub Library's two-floor design embodies a welcoming, open, and friendly atmosphere. It fosters an environment conducive to learning, exploration, creation, and collaboration among students, teachers, and the wider community. Adaptable spaces cater to individual quiet study, small group meetings, and collaborative project work. Located within the Hub is our ISP Idea Lab, a dynamic maker space dedicated to technology and design exploration.

Our evolving resource collection, carefully curated to meet the diverse needs of our community, includes 28,000 physical volumes, 20 subscription databases, and over 200,000 eBooks. Redesigned shelving promotes visibility and fluidity, allowing easy reconfiguration to accommodate varying community needs. 


“At ISP, we strive to provide exceptional learning experiences that are inspiring, relevant, and prepare our students for the future. The ISP Learning and Innovation Hub reflects these goals as a place that is flexible, welcoming, and where innovative projects are supported and encouraged. Our beautifully designed space captures the best elements of a library with multiple collaborative and quiet spaces, alongside the innovative Idea Lab where cutting edge and exciting learning will be fully realised. The Learning and Innovation Hub will Inspire, Engage, and Empower generations of ISP learners, and we are proud that it serves as the centre of the ISP campus.”

Dr. Chip Kimball, ISP Director

As the heart of the school, the Hub promotes literacy, a love of reading, and access to information and services while encouraging the sharing of knowledge and ideas. 

The Idea Lab

The Idea Lab is a technology- and design-focused maker space integrated into the Learning Innovation Hub. The Idea Lab supports students’ curiosity and inquiry, extending hands-on learning with both traditional and contemporary tools. Students and faculty can explore 3D printing, laser cutting, computational embroidery, robotics, and more – within a state of the art, purpose-built space.

Technology & Innovation Coaches work with the community to help develop their ideas and skills, providing advice, instruction, and pedagogical support. Glass walls invite the curious to observe the active learning going on inside. In the Idea Lab, students and teachers can learn with and from each other as they make, tinker, prototype, test, reflect, design and share their creations and discoveries.

Collaborative Spaces

Learning is a collaborative process, and the Hub provides spaces for this to happen. From one person to an entire class, open and closed spaces on both levels of the Hub are available to meet each student’s particular needs. These spaces are equipped with a variety of fittings and furniture to support collaboration, including whiteboards and LCD displays.

“As ISP parents, we are delighted to support this magnificent transformation of the library space into the ISP Learning Innovation Hub, which provides a learning environment fit to the 21st century, the first of its kind in the Czech Republic.”

Mr. Daniel Křetínský,
ISP parent and donor

“When I think of ISP’s mission, to inspire and engage and empower – that’s the Idea Lab. We want to be a space that encourages people to learn with their hands and hearts, as well as with their minds. Whether you are an eight-year-old sewing a scary monster puppet or an eighteen-year-old modeling a new kind of centrifuge, with the new Idea Lab we have the space to help you realize your dreams.”

Dr. Elizabeth Perry, Technology and Innovation Coach