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Engineering Excellence: Robotics in Action

Engineering Excellence: Robotics in Action

In Upper School Robotics, students develop knowledge and skills in mechanical design and construction as they work in teams to build simple and complex robotic devices. Students explore the role of robotics in modern business and industry and examine how robotic devices affect our lives and shape our culture.

In 2022/23, ISP students entered the Vex Robotics V5 Competition, an annual CEESA-hosted tournament that poses a new challenge to young engineers and designers every year. Participating in specialised tournaments of this kind gives learners the opportunity to apply their learning in diverse and challenging contexts.

The task at last year’s competition was to construct a robot capable of accurately shooting disks into baskets. In addition to the robot‘s construction, teams documented the entire process, creating an engineering notebook that played a pivotal role in the competition.

"What makes building a robot so interesting is the multidisciplinary approach required to design, build and programme a robot. The process involves mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, as well as computer science, and it’s a great way for us to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills."

Delanie, Grade 12 


Overall, the tournament was a great success, and the participants had a lot of fun while learning important engineering and teamwork skills. The event was a great opportunity for young people to learn more about robotics and technology, and to apply their knowledge in a practical and exciting way.

"Being in robotics really set me up for my future endeavours in robotics and computer science. It was fun, and I hope to continue this at university!"

Tjebbe, Grade 12

Additionally, the Robotics Club, which is offered as a semester-long class, and as a year-long after school activity, allows students another opportunity to deepen their passion in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and bridge the gap between theory and practice.