Crafts, Changemakers and Community: The Annual ISP Arts & Crafts Festival
The Annual ISP Arts & Crafts Fair on Saturday, 25 November, celebrated another year of tremendous success! With a record-breaking number of over 70 vendors, the event showcased a diverse array of handcrafted goods, baked treats and services. From oil paintings and sculptures to intricately crafted jewelry, terrariums, toys, and more, it was a festive day of mingling, shopping and supporting our talented community crafters.
The spirit of generosity was particularly evident at our Changemaker and Community Service student tables.
Students from Elementary School to Upper School sold crafts, cards, cookies, and more to support their changemaker projects. This dynamic display of student action is a defining aspect of ISP and a highlight at many of our community events.
Alongside running their tables, students presented on their topic in the theatre raising awareness of projects such as Afgan Education for Girls, Saving the Polar Bears, Supporting the Prague homeless community, and more. Thank you to all adult mentors and supervisors for their support in this event and leading up to it.
Charities and Organisations supported by Community Service and Changemaker groups:
- Czech Society for Ornithology
- Archidiecézní charita Praha- Azylový dům Gloria
- LearnAfghan
- Dignity Restoring Hope
- PineTree Pony Farm
- FriendShip Prague
- Nadace Dobry Andel
- Dog shelter Bouchalka
- St Thomas Soup Kitchen
- Caritas (St Vincent de Paul home)
- Happy Caravan
- Jako Doma
- Mile In My Shoes
- Sazime Stromy
- Prague Zoo