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Art Attacks: Exploring creativity and global citizenship in Grade 5

Art Attacks: Exploring creativity and global citizenship in Grade 5

Grade 5, the final year in the Primary Years Programme (PYP), is an exciting journey marked by growth, self-discovery, and celebrations of learning.

This pivotal year is filled with transformative experiences that prepare our students for Middle School, culminating in the PYP Exhibition—a showcase of their learning and achievements.

Leading up to the Exhibition, our students engage in an essential Unit of Inquiry known as Art Attacks. This hallmark unit in Grade 5 inspires global citizenship and responsibility by leveraging student interests and incorporating artistic expression as a means of communication.







Through Art Attacks, students explore the United Nations Sustainability Goals (UNSDGs), empowering them to choose one goal that personally resonates with them. They then embark on personal projects to raise awareness of their chosen issue and creatively express their viewpoints through various art forms. This project cultivates critical thinking and academics, highlighting the role of art as a powerful tool for communication and social change.


“When students were working on their project, they were so engaged. There was a beautiful flow of learning happening naturally because we gave them time to create.”

Ashley Eames, PYP Coordinator


The Art Attacks unit launches with field trips, such as visits to the Banksy Exhibit, art museums, and notable landmarks in Prague like the Lennon Wall. This experiential learning enables students to connect their creative endeavors with a sense of place and helps them recognise the relevance of art making within the local and global community.





Art Attacks is more than just an art project; it’s a comprehensive learning experience that encourages students to think critically, collaborate with their peers, and use their creativity to address real-world issues. This unit lays the foundation for the Exhibition, where students demonstrate their growth, innovation, and commitment to making a difference in their community.