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Middle School

Grades 6 - 8 

Middle School is a time of great transition, and at ISP, our Middle School programme is structured to nurture the social-emotional development of students alongside academic experiences and opportunities.Middle School (MS) classes at ISP are rooted in inquiry and build on learners’ innate curiosity. Middle school learners develop foundational knowledge, learning habits, and conceptual understandings in English language and literature, humanities, mathematics, science, and language acquisition in French, German, or Spanish. Learners also develop their competencies in the areas of the arts (music, drama, visual arts), physical and health education, modern languages, and design. We are responsive to the needs of learners aged 11-14 through our commitment to interdisciplinary and experiential learning.

Students thrive when they feel safe, supported, and are known by teachers and their peers. Our highly qualified and experienced educators create a warm and engaging environment where students are guided to explore who they are as learners during this key developmental phase.

Dr. Michelle Juhasz, Middle School Principal

IB Middle Years Programme 

The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) at ISP is designed for learners aged 11 to 16 as a framework of learning that develops creative, critical and reflective thinkers. This learner-centred educational approach aims to develop genuine interdisciplinary knowledge, skills, and understandings so that learners can draw conceptual links across the variety of academic subjects that they study.

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Connection before content

“Connection before content” is how educators at ISP approach learning. "At ISP, we believe that strong relationships are the cornerstone of effective learning. That's why we have a relevant advisory program and daily homeroom period where students and advisors meet to connect, share, and build a supportive community. Students also develop greater understanding of healthy relationships, effective communication, and digital wellness through our advisory programme.

Engaging Electives Programme

Our Electives Programme is a unique feature of our Middle School programme and empowers students to take agency in their learning and explore new ideas. The diverse and exciting array of elective offerings includes classes such as CzeXplorers, an opportunity to learn about Czech culture and language, and "What's Up Falcons?", our MS podcast. Notably, these classes are assessed using Approaches to Learning (ATL) learning behaviours, promoting a culture that encourages students to explore new opportunities and take risks.

Grade-level trips

Grade-level trips happen throughout the year in grades 6, 7, and 8, offering our students incredible opportunities to travel within the Czech Republic, build relationships with their peers and teachers, and stretch their independence. In the first few weeks of the school year, grades 7 and 8 have outdoor education trips hosted by Cesca Cesta, while Grade 6 has a ski trip to Lipno in January. These memorable experiences are always a highlight of the year.

Parent Partnership

We actively collaborate with families to ensure parents play a vital role in their children's learning and school experiences. We strive to keep parents informed and engaged in the various experiences taking place at school and beyond our campus through Toddle, our learning management system, parent conferences, student portfolios, and weekly Parent Contact principal letters. 


Celebrations hold a special place in Middle School, and we actively seek opportunities to celebrate the talents of our students during monthly whole Middle School and grade-level assemblies. Student artwork is beautifully displayed on campus, and our student council organises activities that are fun and inclusive. There are “MS Socials” hosted on campus that are designed to welcome students back to campus after the Summer, a formal Winter Dance, and an end-of-year dance that includes upcoming fifth graders. A Grade 8 Ceremony to celebrate the end of Middle School also occurs in June. At ISP, we seek ways to celebrate our students and honour their unique contributions to our school. 

Experiences in Learning

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