Inspire • Engage • Empower


“It is interesting to have different nationalities at school. You can find friends from all cultures and it’s a great place where you can fit in.”

Photo of — Robert, Student
— Robert, Student

“Having studied at ISP for 13 years, I’ve noticed a kind of security present here that is rare for an institution. This security comes in the knowledge that some of my favorite things about ISP will never change, such as the teachers’ genuine desire to help students, the exciting curriculum, and how well the facilities work to accompany the learning.”

Photo of — Jana, Student
— Jana, Student

“Can you imagine a school your children look forward to attend every day? ISP is certainly one happy place for my girls! A school where learning is fun and exciting, the teachers focus on social and emotional needs of a child and provide warmth, love and guidance that increase their self-confidence.”

Photo of — Surabhi Khanna, Parent
— Surabhi Khanna, Parent

“ISP has done a fantastic job focusing on the whole child, connecting them to the world around them, going beyond merely academics. Hands-on, collaborative experiences have deepened their learning, while other activities have allowed them to develop socially and emotionally.”

Photo of — Kelly Esparza, Parent
— Kelly Esparza, Parent
  • 70 Years of inspiration
  • 60 Nationalities
  • 900 Students
  • 120 Teachers