
Distance Learning in Action: “4 of Hearts” Middle School P.E.

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Here is a new fitness activity “4 of Hearts” that was introduced to Middle School P.E lessons.

Below is an explanation video (with a bit of Bee Gees music to get everyone in the mood!!!!). There are also two screen casting videos of Grade 6 PE lessons doing 4 of Hearts!

Sue Rabjohn, MS Physical Education  

4 of Hearts Explanation
AceJumping Jacks4 sets of 4 reps (10 secs rest)
TwoWall Sit40 secs
ThreePlank40 secs
FourRest 40 secs
FiveBurpee4 sets of 4 reps (20 secs rest)
SixPush – ups (Knee or Full)4 sets of 4 reps (10 secs rest)
SevenLunges 4 sets of 4 rep on each leg
EightSit-ups4 sets of 10 reps (10 secs rest)
NineSlow climbers40 secs
TenRaised Arm Curls40 Secs
JackShoulder Taps4 sets of 10 reps (20 secs rest)
QueenCalf Raises4 sets of 10 reps (10 secs rest)
KingFlutter Kicks40 secs
Grade 6 – 4 of Hearts Lesson 1
Grade 6 – 4 of Hearts Lesson 2