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School Fees

Fees for the Academic Year 2024/25

(“ECF” = Early Childhood Foundations)

Grade     Tuition     Capital Assessment Fee (CAF) Total
Half-Day ECF 3&4*
295,000 CZK
295,000 CZK
Full-Day ECF 3&4*
352,000 CZK
352,000 CZK
579,000 CZK
78,000 CZK
657,000 CZK
Grades 1-5
579,000 CZK
78,000 CZK
657,000 CZK
Grades 6-8
627,000 CZK
78,000 CZK
705,000 CZK
Grades 9-10
682,000 CZK
78,000 CZK
760,000 CZK
Grades 11-12
702,000 CZK
78,000 CZK
780,000 CZK

*Academic Year 2024-25 information on prorated fees is available from the ISP Admissions Office 

  • Please ensure that invoices for Tuition & Fees are paid by the due date indicated on the invoice;
  • Tuition & Fees are quoted and invoiced in CZK; payment should also be made in CZK;
  • Please inform the school promptly of any billing address changes;
  • Placement is not guaranteed until invoices for Tuition & Fees are paid.

Capital Assessment Fee (CAF)

The CAF is used to service the School’s construction loans and/or to fund the major maintenance of the facility. The CAF is invoiced every year with the Tuition fee. All students in Grades ECF5 through 12 pay the CAF.

The CAF is non-refundable.

Application Fee

The Application Fee of 9,000 CZK is non-refundable and is paid as part of the application process.

Newcomers’ Fee

  • New students entering in Grades ECF 5 through 12 pay a 52,000 CZK Newcomers’ Fee. This is only for newly admitted students and does not apply to returning students;
  • New students entering ECF 3 & 4 do not pay a Newcomers’ Fee but will pay the Newcomers’ Fee in subsequent years when they move up to Early Childhood Foundations 5 (ECF5);
  • The Newcomers’ Fee also does not apply to students who withdraw from ISP and then come back within either of the two academic years subsequent to their departure from ISP.

The Newcomers’ Fee is invoiced with the Tuition and Capital Assessment fees and is non-refundable.


  • The 78,000 CZK deposit is only payable by returning students (not new students);
  • The deposit is non-refundable;
  • The deposit is credited against the Capital Assessment Fee, Tuition and other fees;
  • A returning student’s place is not guaranteed unless the deposit is paid by the due date.

Payment of Fees

  • Payment may be made by bank transfer to:

    UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.
    Želetavská 1525/1, 140 92 Praha 4, Czech Republic

    CZK Acc. No.: 1387951269/2700
    IBAN: CZ75 2700 0000 0013 8795 1269
    Account name: International School of Prague
  • CZK checks drawn on Unicredit Bank may be used for payments to the School. We are unable to accept payment by checks drawn on any other bank.
  • Cash can be accepted only for the Application Fee.

When making a wire transfer, please be sure to instruct your bank to give the student’s name and invoice number for reference. For added assurance, please send a copy of your bank transfer receipt to the School (using the Business Office address indicated on the invoice).

Late Payment of Invoices

  • 1.0% late fee per month (pro-rated on a daily basis) is applied to overdue invoices;
  • Failure to meet financial obligations in a timely manner may result in suspension of the student;
  • Upon departure, no diploma, transcript or other academic record may be released until all the student’s financial obligations toward the School are met in full.

Mid-year Enrollment

  • Tuition is pro-rated based on the total weeks remaining in the school year. Partial weeks will be billed as full weeks.
  • The CAF and Newcomers’ Fee are not pro-rated; they are payable in full regardless of enrolment date.

Special Payment PlanISP has always had mechanisms in place to help families who require greater flexibility due to their financial circumstances. One of those mechanisms is a "Special Payment Plan” (SPP), which may be granted to Individual (not Corporate, i.e. not company, embassy, or other such payer) payers upon written request submitted in parallel with the Enrollment or Re-Enrollment Agreement. The SPP offers an installment plan with payments spread across four individual installments.The Administrative Fee for SPP is 25,000 CZK per child.

Those individual payers (who have confirmed their re-enrolment by having paid their deposit) who would like to apply for the SPP, please complete this form and email it to

Please note that corporate payers are not eligible for this Programme.


The Application Fee, Newcomers’ Fee, Capital Assessment Fee, and Re-enrolment deposit are non-refundable once paid.

Tuition is partially refunded in the event that a student withdraws from the School during the school year. The part of the Tuition that is to be refunded is calculated based on the number of financial quarters remaining in the school year subsequent to the financial quarter in which the student voluntarily departs for the rest of the school year. For example, a student withdrawing from the School during the second quarter will only receive a refund for the third and fourth quarters.

In cases where students are suspended or dismissed for unsatisfactory conduct or academic progress, all tuition and fees paid are non-refundable.

Special Note on ECF3/ECF4 Programme: Staffing and other needs are based on the number of students in the programme. For this reason, while full-day students may decide for any reason to move to the half-day programme, the school does not issue refunds in such cases.